Visual Studio Code

I mainly use Visual Studio Code to create all of my hand coded websites as it allows me to control everything. This ensures that the websites I make will be perfect for the client since everything can be customised and adjusted with a few lines of code.


To create a visually aesthetic yet easily usable website then the newest markup language has to be used. Working with the newest programming language will ensure that all website elements implemented will be compatible for desktop and mobile devices.


I use SCSS as it's a more advanced version of the traditional CSS language. SCSS allows me to create more expressive visual aesthetics as the language allows me to create more complex CSS efficiently.


Using JavaScript allows me to create dynamic content throughout a website. A lot of the advanced elements found throughout my web based projects use JavaScript to ensure that they look and feel more dynamic and adaptive.


I use PhotoShop to create some of the more complex images and icons found throughout my websites. Having an understanding in an imaging editing software allows me to create the perfect style for all the graphical based information.


When it comes to uploading the website to a domain host I use FileZilla. This allows me to make on the fly edits to the website without causing downtime or outages. This makes the process of changing and adapting certain elements on the website quicker without causing any issues for the users.

Software Development Lifecycles

A successful project requires great time management to ensure that requirements can be met in the given timescale. To achieve this then different SDLC's have to be implemented depending on the project. I have personally used the Waterfall and Agile method but have also researched the other potential SDLC's that can be used.

Statistical Analysis

During both my Dissertation and Research paper Primary and Secondary data was used to find relevant information around website development. A survey was conducted on 50 people on top of gathering academic and internet based sources. Enough qualitative and quantitative information was collected to ensure that thorough analysis could be made. I use my findings to this day to shape all of the websites I create, ensuring that they are functional yet visually pleasing.